What is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?
GAD is more than occasional nervousness. People with GAD experience constant, excessive worry that is hard to control. It could be about anything going on in your life. People usually notice a particular focus on certain areas of life, such as relationships or work. This anxiety often doesn’t have a clear cause. People with GAD […]
What Is Seasonal Depression?
Seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a type of depression that happens at certain times of the year. It often starts in the fall and continues into winter, when there’s less sunlight. While the exact cause is not fully understood, researchers believe changes in sunlight and our internal body clock play […]
What Is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a feeling almost everyone experiences at some point. But for some, it becomes an overwhelming presence in daily life. There are plenty of reasonable things to be anxious about: work presentations, meeting new people, and money concerns are some common ones. When people are struggling with an anxiety disorder, however, even the smallest […]
What Is Generational Trauma?
Generational trauma is the passing down of trauma from one generation to the next. This type of trauma and the chronic stress that comes with it can shape families, communities, and even entire cultures over time. When someone experiences trauma, it doesn’t always end with them. The effects can cycle through to their children, grandchildren, […]

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